personal training

I would like everyone to know that there is one child in the world and this child is me.

Personal Training - SMAT-P goes hand in hand all the way

Personal and group training using the Sport Mental Ability Training Program (SMAT-P) - a unique training method for developing positive self-image and groundbreaking social skills, is the product of 18 years of personal and group training with thousands of children from around the world and the world.

The method developed by Eviatar Gabay is based on 4 gold principles:

The space

Developing a workspace encourages creativity and abilities, and lies in adapting the type of activity and play to the child's character and personality, taking into account the natural connection and physical structure. The flexibility and versatility that characterize the training ensures a success and enjoyment for every participant.

the coach

The Generator of Change, the belief in holding work and coaching processes across the child's different lifestyles. His ability to connect with a warm and welcoming friend is key to autonomous and powerful self-motivation, combining a sense of ability and faith that defines a way.


We are in a process of continuous development, interest, curiosity and creativity are a source of stone and the engine of combustion. The understanding that we are training and developing the strengths and insights of every encounter, discourse and connection redefines the place, the seriousness and focus of every moment of life. We hang ourselves in the experience of the ongoing journey and enjoy every second on the way to the renowned.


Learning is a broad concept with many meanings, the ability to serve as a role model requires conduct on a deep and respectful scale and values, personal example is the key to any learning process and is the first step to any development and change that radiates on the connection, the degree of connection and discourse between the coach and his students.
Simply put, your child gains an enjoyable training and playing experience from friends and empowers, you as a parent receive a personal, close companion and all the way to meeting his unique talent, strengths and strengths. The discourse that accompanies the training processes in its power to cure all pain. The joint journey promises a curling and stimulating experience that will redefine the bond and self-belief in you and your child.
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